Sunday 10 January 2016

Week 3-Inbetweens, Motion, Test

I created the next batch of inbetweens for the keyframes, 3 for each transition. This is a simple number to keep the movement timing consistent throughout, which benefits a game animation, that a player may always be looking at throughout the game.

I planned each step using basic anatomy models, posing them to give myself an understanding of the movement, and also keep the character’s anatomy mostly consistent.

Finally I created a spritesheet and imported it to Unity to test it. It requires some more inbetweening, and the keyframes need to be more prominent to add weight to each step.

Word Count: 100

Time Spent:
Planning the Animation: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Creating the Inbetweens: 5 Hours
Creating the Spritesheet: 1 Hour
Editing and Creating the Unity File: 30 Minutes
Total: 8 Hours

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