Wednesday 27 January 2016

Week 5-Bone Based, In Unity

The first thing done here, is setting up a Unity project. Within here, I import the spritesheet made from the frame animation and set the sprite sizes, pulling it into the scene and saving it as an animation, then I bump the speed up to 3 for a smooth animation. Next, I created the parts for a bone-based ninja, importing it into Unity, and then following what I’d learned about bone-based animation to recreate it. This took some time, to perfect the leg motions. After positioning them, and the camera, I built the scene as an exe.

Word Count: 97

Time Spent:
Creating Sprites: 1 hour
Animating and Refining: Bone Based: 2 Hours
Finishing the Scene: 30 Minutes.

Total: 3 Hours, 30 Minutes

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