Saturday 9 January 2016

Week 2-Keyframes, Inbetweens and Planning Motion

The first step I took was to look at real-life references. Even when exaggerating motions it’s important when animating to observe real life and not just animations. Doing so strengthens your view of motion, and weight.

Next, I planned keyframes. Then, created them. These are the extremes of the animation, important poses that make the movement work. These would work as an, albeit choppy, running animation.

After this, came planning, then creating, inbetweens for the first step. These are slightly off-model, but that’s fine, the important step is the keyframes, inbetweens merely leading us to them in a fluid way.

Word Count: 100
Time Spent:
Studying References: 2 Hours
Planning the Animation: 1 Hour
Creating the Keyframes: 2 Hours
Creating the Inbetweens: 2 Hours
Total: 7 Hours

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