Monday 11 January 2016

Week 4-Refine, Inbetweens, Colour

This next step was refinement. After testing the animation, I decided it needed to be more fluid. I started off by planning 8 more inbetweens. These will add some fluidity to choppier elements of the motion, and I placed them in a way to fix parts that weren’t as fluid. I planned them using anatomical skeletons.

After I finished the inbetweens, I extended each keyframe by 2 frames, giving them more weight and importance. Finally, I coloured the frames.
The next step is to compile a spritesheet, and then add it in engine, then recreate this animation using bone-based tools.

Word Count: 100

Planning the Animation: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Creating the Inbetweens: 5 Hours
Colour: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Reviewing the Animation (In order to know what needed changing): 1 Hour

Total: 9 Hours

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